18 2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T MEMBER EDUCATION & EVENTS— BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE CRN STAFF CRN’s educational opportunities and events were more plentiful than ever in 2017, with in-person meetings added to the calendar as well as increased webinar offerings. TWITTER CHAT CRN hosted a Twitter chat to discuss the significance of supplement-specific GMPs and the importance of increasing compliance across the industry. Tweeters used the hashtag #GMPsTurn10 to reach an impressive 29,860 accounts, resulting in 247,810 impressions. WEBINARS You want experts? CRN shares experts. Working with Natural Products INSIDER, CRN produced four popular webinars in 2017. Then, CRN added three more webinars for our members—and only our members—at no cost. The more we all know, the better we can shape our industry.