4 2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T Expand ‘Responsibility First’ initiatives GOAL: Promote an industry environment in which all companies exhibit responsible behavior and demonstrate a commitment to maintaining consumer confidence in their products and the industry. Influence government policy on dietary supplements, functional food and other nutritional products GOAL: Build and maintain a positive regulatory and legislative environment for dietary supplements, functional food and other nutritional products to foster consumer confidence and industry growth. Foster excellence in nutrition science GOAL: Foster the development and acceptance of appropriate nutritional science for evaluating the benefits and safety of dietary supplements and functional food. Positively influence public perception of dietary supplements and functional food GOAL: Endorse the safety and benefits of dietary supplements and functional food and promote a positive industry image. Build CRN membership GOAL: Expand CRN membership to be representative of all aspects of the industry, to enhance the association’s voice on behalf of all industry stakeholders, and to generate necessary resources for expanded CRN programming. STRATEGIC WORK PLAN 2015 – 2017 CRN is mission-driven, guided by its Board of Directors’ expertise and supported by its members. CRN’s goals are accomplished through inter-department collaboration and seamless cooperation. This year, we successfully completed a three-year work plan.